Dunedin FL 34698

Cassette transfer to digital

Cassette tape to digital from Dunedin Media
Cassette transfer to digital

Cassette transfer to digital? You’ve been cleaning out a bunch of old boxes and you found some cassette tapes that you would love to save but you don’t have a cassette deck. Let’s face it. You have one-of-a-kind tapes that you really don’t want to send off. We know the deal. We are here to help.

Kids aren’t the majority of our cassette tape to digital clients. We have been helping musicians of every level conserve their memories for years. Whether it’s one tape or who knows how many. Every job is different. From a single file with both sides of a tape, to individual song files (any type of file format), saving to a thumb drive, SD card, even a fully edited CD, whatever you need, we can do. We discuss all your options so you can make an informed decision.

When converting to mp3 files, the bitrate is critical to the sound quality. As such, we recommend a minimum of 256kbps for your mp3 files.

Given the age and format, cassette tapes can many times sound wobbly or watery. Since this is not something that can be easily corrected, we will contact you and let you make the decision on whether or not to proceed.

When you need a cassette transfer to digital give us a call.

CASSETTE to digital Reviews:
  • Mike converted a 51 year old cassette tape on to a thumb drive for me. I wasn’t sure if he could get anything off of it, or if it would survive the transfer. I so pleasantly surprised the sound was terrific. I got to hear may parents and other relatives who are long gone again. Thank you Mike – Kathleen K. via Yelp!